Virtual Christian Business Expo

Meet the Vendor: Author, Troy Wright

Please introduce yourself and your business to our readers and expo visitors.
Troy Wright: I’m Troy Wright, a preacher and teacher of righteousness by faith for three decades. I reside in the Walla Walla Valley with my artist wife, Shawna Wright.

Who is your target audience or ideal customer?
Those who have a desire to find peace in Jesus and want to dig deeper into the Scriptures. What do you hope to achieve through your participation in the Virtual Christian Business Expo? My desire is to share what I’ve learned with as many Christians as possible.

Tell us about your favorite product.
My Book, “The Lost Will & Testament and the Problem of Perfection” offers peace regarding this problem to all Christians. The book’s back jacket reads: Peace & Perfection are not usually words that are associated together! Yes, this is what this book offers to the church. All through our history the problem of perfection has exhibited its crippling influence. It has distressed and divided the church as few other issues have! We find ourselves in a dilemma. On the one hand, we believe from Scriptures that we are saved, not by the keeping of the law of God, but by His grace through faith alone. On the other hand the Bible teaches plainly that God’s law stands fast. It is the unchanging and invariable standard of right. The Bible states plainly that in heaven there will be no sin, none! To enter into the gates of the city of God, we must be “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing” (Eph. 5:27). We do not posses that kind of perfection. We all “fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). How is absolute moral perfection to become a reality? Is it something God is waiting for us to achieve? Or is it perhaps, like all the other aspects of our salvation, a gift? This book contains a Bible study unlike any other: An understanding of truth that reconciles this dilemma. This understanding will bring the believer in Jesus a profound and wonderful rest in Him and His righteousness.

What aspect of the Expo are you most excited about?
Having the opportunity to pass on this understanding of Scripture and the peace that God gives through understanding it.

How can our readers get a hold of you?
My book can be purchased at my email address is if they have any questions or wish for more information. Mini seminars are also available on a limited basis.