Miracle Baby
The Blessing of My Child
By Junita Saputra

My husband and I got married in 2003 when I was 32. We started to talk about having kids right away because of my age. I remember my husband always wanted a big family and we thought it would happen overnight. Well, our plan was not the same as what God had in mind. One year passed by, nothing happened, so we went to see the first specialist. From one specialist to 5 specialists. From 1 year to 8 years, still nothing happened, no baby yet. We had 5 artificial inseminations with no result. We went through so many tests, went back and forth to the hospital so many times and even one specialist told us to do acupuncture since she couldn’t find anything wrong. It was just my age she said. So I got acupuncture for 1.5 years.

After 7 years of different treatments and so many hopes dashed, we decided to stop all of those treatments. We prayed again and we trusted that God knew what was best for us. If God didn’t want us to have biological children, we wanted Him to give us joy not sorrow. One day we went to an adoption fair, but for some reason we didn’t feel anything. We didn’t have the urge to take another step after going to that fair
In 2011 and 2012 we went to a church in Kirkland, WA where they always dedicated one Sunday a year to pray for couples who want to get pregnant. We got the information from one of our friends who had 3 miscarriages, went there to receive prayer and her prayer was answered.

Then in May 2013, I didn’t feel well, I felt so hot and I thought I had hot flashes. I had missed a period too. I never had missed a period before, so I thought this is it, I am menopausing. But after 10 days, my husband told me to get a pregnancy test. Without any expectations I bought the cheapest pregnancy test, because I didn’t want to get disappointed like before. I don’t remember how many pregnancy tests went to the trash can with negative results before. I did the test and a few seconds later I saw 2 lines! 2 lines!!! I cried in the bathroom, I could only say “Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!! I am pregnant!” The ob/gyn confirmed I was pregnant and everything looked good.

But 2 weeks later I started spotting. Then sadly I had a miscarriage. That was the most difficult time in our lives. Our hope was so high and then crashed again. But, even though we were in the darkest valley, God was still telling us that He was there with us. We just trusted that He had to have a better plan in His mind. One pastor prayed over us and he said that in Israel, the first born belongs to the Lord. And then a friend who has a prophetic gift prayed over me and said the same thing – the first born belongs to the Lord but the second one will be ours(I kept that in my heart). At the same conference when that friend prayed for me, another lady from South Africa whom I never met before prayed over me and she said I was like Hannah praying and crying for Samuel to come to me. I had never told her anything before this. I could see that God was speaking through His people to encourage me.
One year passed by and we thought that was the only chance for us to get pregnant. Then in July 2014, I had the same symptoms again and this time I knew what was going on. The pregnancy test came back positive again! And this time, God let us have the baby! Our baby girl was born in 2015, after 13 years of waiting. We named her Yohana Elsa Joy meaning God is gracious, He is my promise and she’ll bring joy.
When we found out that I got pregnant again, we prayed for twins. We thought it would be great if we could have 2 babies at once. Good thing God didn’t answer our prayers about that. What were we thinking? We were getting older and it’s a lot for us to take care of a newborn baby without help from our family. So, one is enough for us.

Yohana grows as a sweet little girl. God even gave us a bonus that she is smart. She received prophetic words when she was baby that she would be advanced in education. We didn’t know what that meant until she started reading when she was 2.5 years old without us teaching her how to read. Because of the pandemic we decided to do homeschool. We never thought that we would do this, but now when we look back, we are thankful that we can be involved in her education and we can pick the curriculum that matches her level now.
Above all, all praise belongs to God who is still doing miracles today! I hope that this story can bless couples who have been praying to have children.