Christian LivingYvette Urquhart


Mirror, Mirror on the wall,

I am dressed up and made up and I don’t feel too fair at all,

Sometime I hide behind the mask and under the hood so that others can’t see,

That sometimes I just don’t like being me!


Today I am setting myself free

I am no longer allowing the chains of negativity and low self esteem bind me.

I allowed the enemy to bamboozle and trick me for far too long,

Making me think I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, tall enough, talented enough and valuable enough; making me feel as if everything about me was oh so wrong,

At times I felt so insignificant

I struggled with insecurity

I didn’t quite understand who I was

So I searched the scriptures to see what God says about me

That’s when I found out who I really am and discovered my true identity. 

Mirror, mirror I am so excited you see,

Because I found out all of the wonderful things God says about me,

God says I am fearfully and wonderfully made

Therefore I am not worried about what other people think or say,

I have been accepted

So I don’t have to fit in your click, join your sorority or become a member of a certain club,

I’ve been restored, redeemed, forgiven, purchased by the shedding of Jesus blood,

 I am his child; I love God and He loves me

I am chosen, God’s special possession, a queen; I’m royalty

I love me some me and the amazing person God has created me to be

He created me special by design,

I am rare, unique, one of a kind

I am enough, I’m worthy

Absolutely, totally and completely

   I am done, I am over with trying to be like and please everyone else,

There’s only one me and God wants me to be myself

Mirror, mirror on the wall

I am definitely the fairest of them all

I am just as fabulous as I can be

I am learning to love, celebrate, embrace and enjoy being me

All of my imperfections

All of my flaws

God loves me unconditionally

In spite of them all.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall,

Yes, Yes, Yes I am the fairest of them all!!

Origional Poem Written by:

Yvette Urquhart

Empowerment Speaker, Author &   Transformation Coach