October 24, 2020
When the cool of the evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the LORD God among the trees. Genesis 3:8 (NLT)
When I read this, I could envision the beautiful garden and I could sense the feel of the breeze upon my face. I could sense the urgency of them wanting to hide. Oh, how I know that feeling. Wanting to hide because of my past. Wanting to slip into the woods because of missing the mark. I can only imagine the heart of God when He found that His children were hiding in shame.
You see my friend, there was a time when man did not hide from God. In the beginning, God and man walked together in the garden. Talking and growing a relationship. There was no shame or guilt over mistakes. God never intended for us to hide in shame. He never intended for us to know the pain of shame. God wanted to spend eternity walking with His children and loving them. He wanted to be with them, with us. But there was a choice made and since then, we have been allowed to make decisions.
When I read this verse, I see that the LORD God was WALKING about in the garden. He was right there!! That is where I got stuck for a minute and imagined Him in all His glory moving across the garden gently brushing against the leaves as He moves among His creation. Oh, how sweet is that image!
But here we are back to reading and hearing what He is saying. The man and his wife his because they were caught in feelings of shame because they had fell prey to the lies of the evil one. This was a game changer, but oh how precious is the most wonderful game changer of all. The Cross. We no longer have to hang our head in shame waiting for atonement at the Holy of Holies, we can go directly to God and know that He gave the most precious sacrifice for our sins. Jesus!
LadyBug, know that you do not have to run and hide from God! You are able to walk with Him and know Him intimately just like He intended!
Let us walk with God without shame because He put away our past at the Cross.
Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay