Christian LivingMelissa Henderson

One Step Forward

“One step forward.” I’ve heard this saying many times. In my life, there have been situations where I learned important lessons by moving one step forward. What exactly does that mean in the new year?

God gives us many opportunities to share His love with others. He also equips us with the needed tools to handle the call. Have you ever been presented with a task and didn’t feel qualified? I think about the numerous people in the Bible who felt they were not able to answer God’s call due to their lack of knowledge or ability. Those people were wrong. When God calls, He equips those whom He calls. Our choice is to listen and obey or to ignore. The path we choose can help further the kingdom of God. I pray we all will be ready for His message.

Yes, there may be times when we feel inadequate for a certain task. When we open our eyes, ears, and hearts to God’s call, we can rest assured He will equip us. What does that look like? How will we know when God has called us?

Pause and pray. Consider the “gut” feeling you get when you learn about someone who needs help. Maybe you have wanted to help the homeless, but didn’t know how. Maybe you have wanted to help a senior in your neighborhood, but didn’t want to intrude in their personal life. 

I believe we need to keep an open mind and heart and to be ready to share the love of Christ with others.

One simple way of sharing the love of God is through a smile. Share a smile with a coworker, the cashier at the local grocery store, a neighbor, a friend, a family member, or a stranger. A smile shared can change the outlook for the world.

My husband takes time to speak to workers at local stores. With a smile, he says, “Thank you for being here.” We’ve seen workers stop and give thanks and some have shed tears. With stores having less employees for a time, the workload is often doubled. Thanking a worker can brighten their day and your day, too.

Taking one step forward in the path to helping another person may be intimidating, especially if we are not sure what to do. If you feel God is asking you to help, pray and seek His guidance. 

My husband and I have served meals at a local homeless shelter. When we weren’t able to physically be at the shelter, we sent food and supplies. 

Have you heard about the need for clothing for a local family? Are there drop off locations for clothing supplies? Some churches have bins in the parking lot where items can be donated.

How about a card ministry? I have a dear friend who writes and mails cards every day. Her kindness is appreciated by the many people who receive her cards.

What if we want to help and don’t know how? One suggestion is to take that important “one step forward”. Look for ways to help others through local and foreign missions, if that is what you are called to do. Even if we’re not sure how to help, don’t worry. Ask God for guidance along the way. 

God has a plan for each of us. His plan and His timing is always best.

In this new year, search for opportunities to show His love to others. Take that “one step forward”. Can you share some ways you have taken the “one step forward”?


Melissa Henderson

10 thoughts on “One Step Forward

  • Jessica Brodie

    Such encouragement. We don’t need to do it all… we just need to do what it right in this moment. One step. One smile. One kind word.

    • Amen. One step at a time. Those actions can change the world. Have a blessed day! 🙂

  • Your advice for Christian living is always spot-on, Melissa. Listening to the quiet voice of the Lord, heeding His nudges to be kind and to help others always brings a good result for those in need and for us as we act in obedience to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

  • “His plan and His timing is always best.” So true, Melissa. Thank you for the reminder.

  • So often we can become intimidated or discouraged at our inability to do “great” things. I love your reminder that “great” things don’t have to be huge. The greatest things are often the simplest!

    • Thank you Ava. Yes, “great things” don’t have to be huge. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂

  • Yeah, I like this idea of taking 1 step forward. It’s not hard, and it can really make a difference. Thanks for the encouragement to do better.

    • Thank you Janet. One step forward can make a big difference. Have a blessed week! 🙂

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