Christian LivingClarion Brown

Peace During the Pandemic

John 16:33 says I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world, you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” (My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.)

The year 2020 was a very interesting year for us all. I have never experienced a pandemic in all my years on Earth. It was a scary moment for me at the beginning of the pandemic. I remember being at work and seeing the news about how the numbers were increasing by the hundreds in Wuhan daily. I would pray God please don’t let it come back to the United States. I began to already plan what it would look like if it did come to the United States. My peace was already being stripped from me slowly and steadily and I was unaware. 

I left work to take a few days off to take care of some personal things and never returned to that client. I looked up and one day we had one case in the US and then a few weeks later it was spreading and schools and everything were shutting down. My life did a 360 turn and I had to readjust quickly. I was so complacent in the day-to-day activities, that I was caught off guard of being home daily with my children and them not being able to go anywhere but outside. 

I do not recall the exact moment but I remember just this overwhelming Peace coming over me. I heard the Lord say to me All is well. It was then in that moment where I said It does not matter what is going on in the world I am going to choose JOY every day. I embraced being at home with my children daily. I got to learn more about them and myself. I can honestly look back and say 2020 was a pretty good year for me. I chose to magnify God higher than the virus! 

In 2020, I birthed my podcast and another business venture. I collaborated with numerous people. I learned how to never be complacent in one situation. I now always have a hunger for more and never get comfortable with where I am. 

I know that you may be looking around you and wondering when is it going to end God. The tears just seem to continuously flow and you’re asking when will they stop. According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of Peace means freedom from disturbance. Are you taking those ungodly thoughts captive? Are you allowing your fears to stop fulfilling your purpose? Are you remaining stagnant because worry has overcome your life? We serve a God of Peace! (2 Thessalonians 3:16 ESV) We serve a God that can calm any storm we may be facing! (Matthew 8: 23-27). He is a God that is standing in the fire with us. (Daniel 3: 23-26). He is walking with us through every trial and tribulation. God is forever unchanging, who are we that he would go back on what his word says. He is a man that he shall Not lie! (Numbers 23:19). I know times may be hard but turn to the one and true living God! Look to the hills from which cometh your help! He wants you to turn to him with all your problems. He wants all of that! Give every issue, every trial, every worry to God today! Allow him to overwhelm you with Peace today! 

And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]. Philippians 4:7

Clarion Brown

Founder and Host of Dear Single Momma Podcast: Apple Podcast, Google, Spotify and Anchor

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