People Who Inspire: Mike Collier, Bringing Faith and Weather Together

In the heartland of the United States, you will find, Tulsa, Oklahoma, a mid-sized city nestled in the hills of Green Country. In that city, you will find an “average guy” doing his job and sharing a bit of Jesus along the way. Being in tornado alley, Tulsa has it’s fair share of severe weather. So naturally, those who are on our TV screens as we batten down the hatches or go to safe rooms have become people we trust and depend on. But how often do we get that and a dose of Jesus? KJRH Channel 2 in Tulsa is home to one such person, Mike Collier. I am honored to share a bit of his story with our readers across the globe.
Cyndi Kay Green: Can you please give a brief introduction and ‘life’ history?
Mike Collier: I was born and raised in Tulsa. I went to Catholic schools growing up and went to the University of Tulsa and then Mississippi State University and got my degree in Broadcast meteorology.
CKG: What influenced your salvation? Share your experience of coming to know Jesus.
MC: At such a young age I encountered death. My uncle died of Leukemia when I was 8. That had a tragic and profound impact on my life. Even in the death, I found so much hope through Jesus. He was there with me and lifting me up.
CKG: What led you to choosing your profession?
MC: To add on to the death of my uncle, I’ll never forget when the funeral was over the most beautiful rainbow shined through. I immediately became fascinated with weather. I felt God was showing me that even through the troubles of the world, that He was here with me and pushed me towards my passion for weather.
CKG: Can you please describe your ministry?
MC: I wouldn’t say ministry in the traditional sense. I believe that I’m just an average guy in life, with the same struggles that everyone else has. I just so happen to have a large social media following and have the ability to help guide people through life or at least push them in the positive direction God just as God has pushed me.

CKG: How does your faith influence your work?
MC: God is in control of all. I feel like I get to work directly with God when predicting the weather. He created it and I get to predict it!
CKG: What is the most practical thing that keeps you focused on God and His calling?
MC: LIFE. Everyday life. It’s a struggle in this broken world. But, Jesus makes it whole. And, that’s what keeps me going.
CKG: What is your biggest passion regarding helping people?
MC: Just that we are all dealing with something in life. When Jesus was handed a problem he always opened up his arms to help. I believe that we should be doing that, as well.
CKG: What is the most profound and life changing thing you have heard, whether it be advice or a sermon?
MC: That we shouldn’t give up. So many times in the bible people want to give up. But, God has a plan. Trust in his plan.
CKG: Can you recall a time when you know that God was the only way you had a provision through a certain situation?
MC: Through the death of my uncle. He had a plan for me. Through the darkness he showed me light. If not, I might not be in this position today to help or try to help people.
CKG: Tell us about your podcast. What was the inspiration behind it?
MC: Well, I wanted to have free range to share my thoughts and talk about many other subjects instead of weather, so I created this podcast as a venue to be able to discuss many topics.
CKG: Have you ever thought about writing a book about your adventures in weather?
MC: I laughed out loud on this one. I would love to write a book, but wonder would anyone read it?
– side note: I believe they would!!!

CKG: If you could sit down to dinner with anyone (deceased or alive; other than Jesus) who would it be and where would you dine?
MC: My Uncle Mike. Losing him at such a young age, I would love to see him again. Also, to tell him that his life was a light to mine.
CKG: Is there anything else you would like to say? Where can our readers follow you?
MC: Help out your fellow neighbor. Be there for them. Imagine if we ALL came together to help each other out, what a wonderful world this would be.
You can follow Mike on Facebook and on his new podcast available on Spotify, Beyond the Forecast.
Being a meteorologist in Oklahoma can sometimes be a tedious and trying job. We never know where or when we will need to have the experts giving us update information about the storms and their pathways. I appreciate all the Mike Collier does for my home state.
Thank you Mike for sharing just a tiny bit of your life with us!!
You asked great questions Cyndi. It’s interesting to read what Mike had to share about his faith, and how he was lead to where he is today. I pray God uses his Podcast to reach others in ways he never conceived possible. I agree, if he wrote a book, people would read it!