Question of the Week??

Question of the Week: What is your favorite book of the Bible?

Kelly Barrett
Tahlequah, Ok

“My favorite book in the Bible is Philippians specifically chapter 4. There you can find so many nuggets of encouragement.”

Shelle Burnett
Shellé Burnett Coaching
Jupiter, FL

“Honestly, I love so many but PROVERBS is one of my favorites. I love the way it teaches me how to live and think. I read Psalms when I’m seeking serenity.”

Andra Armstrong,
North Augusta, SC

“My favorite book definitely depends on the season I’m in! Right now I’m reading and rereading Jonah. Doing life inventory on my life. Searching my balance between grace and holiness. I’ve been reading a book called Dance, Stand, Run (highly recommend). It been very eye opening and convicting as God has pointed out quite a few things that I need to work on!”

Aurora Rogers,
Austin, TX

“My favorite book is Proverbs'”

Bessie Smith,
Stilwell, OK

“My Favorite book of the Bible is Psalms because there are so many great verses.”

Molly Taylor Beamon,
Matthews, NC

“Psalms is my favorite. It’s validating to read things that match my circumstances and they help me give words to my thoughts and feelings.”