Question of the Week??

Question of the Week: What is your fondest memory with your Dad?

Jacinda Collins,
Ingleside, IL

My favorite summertime memory is also my fondest memories with my father. I love going to the beach! My father grew up near the ocean so to him, the beach brought his childhood out. He would pack a picnic, get ALL the beach gear, teach us to boogie board. He was like a child and taught us to savor the beauty of God’s creation. God bless!

Stormy Hopkins Lyons,
Adger, AL

My fondest memory of my daddy, Gary Hopkins. This is a tough question, because there were so very many. He would pick me up from practices and we would just drive. Just drive and drive never really a certain place. It was just me and him talking for hours. Oh, how I miss them. How I wish I could hear him call me Sugar Doll just one more time.

Laurie Vork,
Clearwater, FL

Mom & dad both take their commitment to each other very seriously; even through a few rough patches. We could always count on the fact that they are committed to each other and to us. Almost 63 years later, that commitment still stands. That’s an amazing gift to children. When I think about dad, I remember how he always provided for us, even when it was a struggle when we were very young. I think of his steadfastness, his strong work ethic, gentleness, kindness, wisdom and how he is always able to “fix” things. He’s always there when we need him. He’s a man of few words but his actions speak loudly. He’s such a great reflection of my heavenly Father and I am so blessed to call him dad.

Teresa Tilley,
Rudy, AR

My fondest memory with my father is him taking us to various churches to sing. I was only 6 and my sister was 4 and he took us around for years. We were his pride and joy, and he said we were his gifts from Heaven.

Kamron Bouchard

My dad has always been there for me and is a huge supporter of my riding. I was probably 14 in this picture.