Question of the Week??

Question of the Week – Who is the griller in your family and what is their best grilled dish?

Shelby Whittington, Branson, MO

Brandon is the griller in our family. His New York Strip Steaks are amazing!

Paige Eagle, Stilwell OK

Dads always been the griller or smoker! My favorite grilled dish is Caribbean jerk chicken thighs or his ribs on the smoker!

Denni Jo Swepston, Tahlequah, OK

Oh, we both grill!! His specialty – steaks and burgers! Mine – chicken, pork chops and all the veggies!!

Monica Underhill Hardbarger, Stilwell, OK

The love of my life is a top-notch griller. He loves to grill so anything is his best dish!

Crystal Swafford, Tahlequah, OK

We both grill, but he is the grill master. My favorite that he grills is definitely shrimp. He never really measures his marinade and still gets it 100% every time.