Shawna Wright

After years of homeschooling her children Shawna found her life abruptly changing. The realization that their last daughter was soon to jump nest left a gaping hole in her life and a deep desire to do something for God. Shawna began praying for a ministry. Within two months of praying that prayer she began painting. Up until then her art experience stopped at stick men. There were no teachers, no online tutorials; the only explanation was that God taught her to paint. The very first painting was of a bird with a Bible Promise. The painting both surprised herself and her family. Within two months the first of an ongoing series of calendars featuring birds and Bible Promises was born. The following year a line of note cards, known as “God Tweets,” was added. . Along with the love for painting Shawna enjoys writing a weekly blog, among other things. Drawing from personal experiences she openly shares her thoughts and short stories on claiming the Promises. It is her personal desire to comfort and inspire others to claim God at His word.

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