Christian LivingRachel Gray

Small Helping of Gratitude

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” – A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

In the United States, we consider November to be a month for giving thanks. Social media abounds with “thankfulness challenges,” and everywhere we are reminded to “count our blessings.” In the midst of all this thankfulness, we might feel a bit like Piglet – a shy and timid creature who had a Very Small Heart. But even fearful Piglet recognized the capacity of his Very Small Heart to hold immense Gratitude.

Over the past 18 months or so, our worlds have turned upside down. Our internet driven society already tended towards isolationism, but we have lived that out to an extreme throughout COVID-19 quarantines. If you’re like me, you might be trying hard to see the goodness of God, but somehow failing to find it. We know His goodness is everywhere, but for some reason, we can’t see it with our own eyes. “There is so much lost in this world, O Lord, so much that aches and groans and shivers for want of redemption, so much that seems dislocated, upended, desecrated, unhinged – even in our own hearts…Is it any wonder we should weep sometimes, without knowing why? It might be anything. And then again, it might be everything.” – Douglas Kaine McKelvey, Every Moment Holy

Our hearts ache with holy lament for a brighter world where sin’s curse no longer stains every part of life. Our ache reminds us of the promise that one day, God will fix what is broken. He will make “everything sad …come untrue” as Samwise Gamgee so aptly says in the last book of Lord of the Rings. And yet, in the waiting, we are not left without goodness. Remember, there is beauty in broken people because we are all made in the image of God. There is beauty in our broken world because it was created by the words of God. No matter how extensive the reach of sin, the goodness of God cannot be quenched. No matter how great the darkness, the Light of the World is brighter! As Sally Clarkson said in a recent podcast: “There is a time for lament, but there is also a time to open our eyes to the goodness of God. Choose to see the good!”

What goodness can you see around you at this moment? A hot cup of coffee. Food in your house. Clean water. Electricity. Someone or something to love. What of God’s goodness is on display outside? A dark stormy night. A beautiful sunrise. A crisp fall day. A sunny beach. Stop now and with your Very Small Heart, whisper a prayer of thanks to a good God.

Share a piece of God’s goodness with someone else, too. I think most of us are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted this year. We have stretched ourselves thin and feel like no one notices all the sleepless nights, the endless work we are doing. I bet you have someone in your life who feels that way, too. Why don’t you take the time to write a note and slip it in the mail (even if shipping does take a while!). Tell that friend what you love about them. Let them know you see their work and sacrifice. Remind them of something you love to do together and how much you appreciate their friendship. Show that friend a bit of the goodness of God. Let them know they are not forgotten.

We might feel a bit like the widow in 1 Kings 17 who was asked to feed Elijah her last bit of food. She had only enough left for a final meal for her son and herself. When Elijah asked for food, she had faith that God would keep His promise and provide for her.. During the rest of the famine, God gave her just enough oil and flour to make food for that day. God will also give us enough for today. Trust Him for that.

I love the song “Gratitude” by Nicole Nordeman. With beautiful lyrics, it describes what it looks like to trust God and give Him thanks through hard times.

So grant us peace, Jesus, grant us peace
Move our hearts to hear a single beat
Between alibis and enemies tonight
Or maybe not, not today
Peace might be another world away
And if that’s the case…
We’ll give thanks to You with gratitude
For lessons learned in how to trust in You
That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream
In abundance or in need
And if You never grant us peace…
But, Jesus, would You please…

Jesus, we thank You for late summer flowers and unexpected gifts of mercy throughout our days. Would You reach out and touch these dear sisters. Remind them how much You love them. Help them know You see them where they are – that they are precious to You. Amen.