Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim


Falling in love with Jesus is not just a fling. It’s time to grow in Christ!

March 8th, 2023


Psalm 16:6, ‘The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.’ (NIV)

We need restrictions. We despise them often, but we must have them; we need them. Right now, there is so much chaos. Everyone is doing their own thing, when they wish to, how they wish to, where they wish to and with whom. It is bedlam, and we all are reaping the reward, or lack thereof rather. It is my opinion that much of it is happening because we are without borders. No filter today. Everything everywhere goes.

I wonder what God is thinking. Often. Then I am reminded, this isn’t the only time it has been this messy. In fact, past generations were so messy, they were wiped out. God started over. In fact, He regretted that He made mankind (Gen 6:6). To me that is one of the saddest things I have ever read. In all my sinfulness, in the dregs of my choices, attempting to keep track of and straighten all my lies, He regretted (essentially) me.

I am now passionately in love with a Holy God Who is passionately in love with me too, but I am broken and busted, because it hasn’t always been like this. I didn’t listen to His voice and His calling for me; I heard Him, but I did not listen. I did not give up what I wanted; in fact, I chased after it even more fervently, trying to deny that He was emphatical over me. He was deliberate and persistent, and pursuant to His great and extravagant love for me, He wooed me to Him, He won me over, He got me. But I got the prize, because once, He regretted that He dreamt me eventually into existence.

Yes, the boundaries have fallen for me in pleasant places, in green pastures and beside still waters. I need them. Without fences, we will perish. We are already. He is coming back soon to establish His borders and to draw us to Himself.

Isaiah 55:10-11, ‘”As the snow and rain that fall from heaven do not return until they have accomplished their purpose, soaking the earth and causing it to sprout with new life, providing seed to sow and bread to eat, so also will be the Word that I speak; it does not return to Me unfulfilled. My Word performs My purpose and fulfills the mission I sent it to accomplish.”’ (TPT)