Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim


Falling in love with Jesus is not just a fling. It’s time to grow in Christ!

March 10th, 2023


Ecclesiastes 3:11, ‘He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work that God has done from beginning to end.’ (BSB)

Was it a long, cold winter for you too? In hindsight now, actually, it seems like it has gone relatively quickly, but at the time, like trudging through the storm, it seemed never-ending and deep.

When I was growing up, in the mountains of Colorado, it seemed like the winters used to be even longer, so much colder, the snow way deeper. We laugh and mutter things, like, ‘walking both ways uphill, to school, barefoot, in six-foot of snow’, but it kind of seemed like that in my child’s brain. I remember many Easter egg hunts inside because the snow was too deep in the backyard or having that egg hunt in the midst of a snow squall. I can even see the teeny tiny blossoms poking their colorful faces through swatches of wet, heavy snow. Tendrils of green leaves shooting up out of snowbanks, and clouds chasing each other across a winter sky like children playing in a park, fashioned my childhood.

Today it just seems dirty. I wonder if I lost the ability to imagine and dream. Then, our eyes were wide-open; now, they are wide-shut. They must be, to block it all out. It seems like a long, cold winter that just keeps hanging on. Does it to you too? Holocaustic images are what eerily crosses television screens plentifully currently, and those same pervasive images keep coming long after we have closed our eyes, attempting to sleep. I wonder if we adults too are frightened of monsters, as our children are, and who encourages and protects who? Which ones of us do the monster sweeps, under beds and in closets and for the things that go bump in the night? What happens when the drabness chases us and threatens to bury us?

Then, I am reminded of the seasons. This won’t be the only one. It seems endless, like it isn’t fading, but already the daylight is longer than it was yesterday. This is the season of growth and change and hope, where aspiration peeks its little face out of the burrows of hibernation and promises to appear again tomorrow, where wild things are born, and dreams really do come true. This is the season just after—and just before—the next one begins. Look up! Spring is coming! It’s almost here! It’s almost time to plant, to fall in love, to begin again, to start fresh, to hope, to believe!

Isaiah 55:10-11, ‘”As the snow and rain that fall from heaven do not return until they have accomplished their purpose, soaking the earth and causing it to sprout with new life, providing seed to sow and bread to eat, so also will be the Word that I speak; it does not return to Me unfulfilled. My Word performs My purpose and fulfills the mission I sent it to accomplish.”’ (TPT)