Michelle Gott KimSpring Cleaning

SpringCleaning! the Call March 4

March 4, 2021

the Call

Revelation 3:20, ‘”Look at Me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear Me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you.”’ (MSG)

I thought I heard a knock at the door, but I was too busy to stop and answer. And I was afraid. I had opened that door previously and I’d let just about anything inside. Before I knew it, every room was cluttered with all sorts of things I did not need nor want. I allowed the intruders to throw parties and they took advantage of my hospitality, and eventually, I became just like them as it was easier to join them than to get them to leave. When the marauders finally left, they trashed the place, and it was never the same again.
Once I accidentally left the door to my heart open and a thief came in the night and stole everything I had left. I hid but he found me anyway and he also ransacked everything I held dear. He robbed me of my peace and shook out the shame from where I carefully had it concealed. He stomped my trust into the ground and graffitied nasty words like Guilty and Tramp and Unworthy on my soul. He buried what little shred of belief that remained in a deep hole inside. I made sure afterwards that my door stayed locked, guarded and protected, and I kept very busy disguising myself; keeping all the damage the thief and those intruders had done to me hidden.

So was it any wonder I didn’t answer the knock?

But the knock at my door was persistent. It wasn’t loud or offensive or obnoxious, but I had already answered that knock before and that had delivered pain. I hid in the shadows and peered at the door, trying to get a glimpse of Who stood outside. He knocked again. And again. And again. Just little taps on the glass as if He too might be frightened the pains (panes) might break. I finally couldn’t stand it; I had to answer. When I heard Him call my name, I had to answer the door. Just a whisper. Just a nudge.

He stood there; His arms stretched wide. I felt like He was welcoming me to His home. It was nothing like before, no intrusion, no invaders; He waited to be invited. Inside. Something emanated from Him, peace maybe. Hope? Love, for sure. And a grace I had never known. I suddenly wanted to dig up all the things I had buried long ago, show them to Him, ask His help in disposing of them properly. He came inside, and sat down with me, and pretty soon, Forgiven and Child and Worthy branded my soul.

Come with me in March and let’s clean house!
If you are anything like me, you have kept some things around far too long
and now they got to go! And with the Lord’s help, they can!