Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

We believe:

~ God is the one true God and He is on His throne in Heaven. He is the creator of Heaven and Earth. He
gave mankind dominion over the earth, but lost it through sin. Being a God who loves us, He sent His
only Son to earth as the price for our redemption. Gen 1:1, Isaiah 43:10-11, John 1:1, John 5:7

~Jesus is the Son of God and the Son of Man, born from a virgin birth. He is the Lord of all creation and
walked the earth living a sinless life. He was sent as an atonement for our sins so that we, a sinful
mankind, could be redeemed through the blood that He shed as He was beaten and crucified. Jesus died,
was buried, arose and now sits on the right hand side of His Father, God. Because of this, we now have
the ability to be restored into a right relationship with God should we choose to accept salvation. There
will be a time when Jesus returns to earth to reign. Matthew 1:23, Luke 3:21-22, Hebrews 7:26,
Philippians 2:5-11, Colossians 2:9.

~Mankind was created by God in His image and was given dominion over the earth. Because of sin,
mankind fell from the original state of righteousness and now walks in a sinful nature. It is through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ, that mankind has been given the ability to be restored to this right standing
with God. Genesis 1:27, Psalm 8:3-6, Romans 3:10-12; 8:7-8, 1 Corinthians 2:14-15, Revelations 4:11.

~Salvation is a free gift by God’s grace that we choose to accept. It is not by works, but by faith that we
are saved from the penalty of sin. this acceptance of Jesus as our Savior and recognition of death and
resurrection, is portrayed through water baptism through full immersion. Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:8-9,
John 3:3, Galatians 3:26.

~The Bible is the infallible Word of God given to us through authors who were inspired and guided by the
Holy Spirit. It is the ultimate truth of Christian Living. 2 Timothy 1:13, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Proverbs 30:5.

~The Holy Spirit is the source of the believer’s authority. When Jesus is accepted as Lord and Savior, the
Holy Spirit begins to dwell within our spirit, our inner man. It is this indwelling that leads us in a spirit
filled life. Being baptized by the Holy Spirit is evident by the gifts of the spirit. This baptism may or may
not be evidenced by speaking in tongues. Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 6:16.

~Every believer has a calling and a purpose given to them according to the will of God. This calling is
accompanied by gifts and talents that equip each one to fulfill the calling of God according to His will for
the Kingdom of God.

~There is one body with many members working together to fulfill the will of God.