Betty PredmoreBible StudyThe Women Before Us

The Women Before Us Bible Study Introduction


The Bible is filled with stories of women who came before us. Their strength and perseverance, their pain and joy, their suffering and their rewards made them into women who God used for teaching the generations that came after.

When we think of our own lives…our own joys and sorrows…our own situations of fear and courage…we find we are not so different from these women. Our lives have many parallels and there is much to be learned by digging deeper into the stories of the women who came before us.

Esther: The Jewish Star – an unexpected queen who found the courage and strength to stand up for her people, realize her true calling, and discover the importance of God’s timing in her life.

Hannah: The Praying Mama – a woman caught in grief and despair who found the blessings of God through her desperate prayers, unwavering faith, and humble obedience.

Hagar: The Shunned Believer – a woman caught in the middle of another woman’s attempt to control circumstances, she learns to overcome a life filled with resentment and regret. Despite her circumstances, her strength prevails and her hope doesn’t falter.

Elizabeth: The Woman of Promise – a woman of great faith and courage who receives her blessing from God with a grateful heart. She experienced the gift of gaining her heart’s desire, and stood firm in obedience and gratitude throughout her life.