Exploring the Bible with JoriJori O'Neal

The Women of David’s Court

There is a special place for women’s stories in my heart. On a podcast I’ve been blessed to host called “30 Minutes of Power”, I did a series on women’s stories called “Herstory Matters.” One of the last women I got to interview was Katie Del Rocco, a Christian actress, writer, and producer. Her one-woman show “Last Night of the King” has captivated audiences from Texas to Boston. Her show features the women in David’s court, and tells first-person stories of these women, giving greater context to the historical time of David’s reign. Her interview intrigued me and caused me to do some digging of my own into some of the women’s stories in David’s life. As modern-day women, we face many of the same challenges and struggles that the women in King David’s life faced. Through their stories, we can find parallels to modern-day issues and learn important lessons about faith, forgiveness, and strength. I pray that the following stories give you hope and encouragement, let’s dig in.

Bathsheba’s story, in particular, is one that resonates with many women today who have experienced sexual harassment or assault. Bathsheba was a victim of David’s abuse of power, and her story highlights the importance of standing up for ourselves and speaking out against injustice. We see this same issue playing out today in the #MeToo movement, where women are bravely sharing their stories and demanding accountability for those who have harmed them. (2 Samuel 11-12)

Abigail’s story, too, has important lessons for modern-day women. Abigail was a woman of great wisdom and bravery, and she used those qualities to stand up for what was right. Women today can draw inspiration from Abigail’s story to speak out against injustice and use our voices to make a difference in the world. (1 Samuel 25)

Michal’s story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of jealousy and envy. Women today face immense pressure to compete with one another and measure our worth against others. Michal’s story reminds us of the importance of keeping our love for others pure and free from envy, and the damage that jealousy can cause in our relationships. (2 Samuel 6)

Tamar’s story is a powerful reminder of the prevalence of sexual assault and the need for action to prevent further harm. Women today continue to face sexual harassment and assault, and Tamar’s story encourages us to speak out against these injustices and work to create a safer world for ourselves and future generations. (2 Samuel 13)

Maacah’s story is a reminder of the dangers of idolatry and seeking power for its own sake. Women today are often told that success and power are the keys to happiness and fulfillment, but Maacah’s story shows us the pitfalls of pursuing those things without regard for our relationships and our faith. (2 Chronicles 11:20-23)

As we reflect on the stories of these women and the modern-day issues they parallel, we can ask ourselves the following questions:

  1. How can we stand up for ourselves and speak out against injustice, as Bathsheba did in her time?
  2. How can we use our wisdom and bravery to make a difference in the world, like Abigail?
  3. What can we do to keep our love for others pure and free from jealousy, and avoid the damage that envy can cause?
  4. How can we work to prevent sexual assault and create a safer world for ourselves and future generations, as Tamar’s story reminds us to do?
  5. How can we guard against the dangers of idolatry and power-seeking in our own lives and prioritize our relationships and faith above all else, as Maacah failed to do?

In conclusion, the stories of the women in King David’s life continue to hold relevance and importance for modern-day women. By examining their stories and drawing parallels to our own lives, we can find inspiration, wisdom, and strength to face the challenges that we encounter today.

If you’re looking to check out Katie’s show, you can do so on her website at https://www.katiedelrocco.com/ .

Jori O’neale is an author, ordained Minister, bible teacher, and the CEO of IYH Innertainment LLC, a faith-based entertainment company. She is the wife to one amazing husband, mother to four miraculous children, and teacher to hundreds of NYC youth. Check out her podcast “30 minutes of Power”, a podcast dedicated to motivate and inspire godly women to pursue their passions. Follow her @jorioneale on all socials and for more great content check out her author’s page on Amazon.