BusinessDeneen Troupe-Buitrago

Three Biblical Businesswomen, the Principles they teach, helping you connect Faith & Business

By Deneen Troupe-Buitrago

As a Christian Business Professional, you have the unique responsibility to show up in your business whole, holy, and authentic. That happens when you understand how God has equipped you to fulfill His call on your life through your business. And, He has given you examples from the Bible to guide and teach you along your Faith & Business adventure.

There are many principles that will grow your business and grow your faith as you serve others in the Marketplace. Here are a three from what I call the ‘Business Babes’ of the Bible. Let’s explore. . .

  1. Eve- God has a plan for your business

Is there a dream that you have had ruminating around inside of you for a while? Do you have a vision of doing something greater? It is good.

That God-given vision along with your specific set of skills, talents, gifts, and experiences brings your uniqueness into the world. No one has ever existed just like you and God has given you a purpose, a job, to do only you can do.

In the beginning, Eve. We start here not just because she is the first woman in the Bible but because in her creation, we see how God set up the mandate for each of us in our work. Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created man in his own image and that He created them male and female. In chapter two Eve’s story unfolds as to the how and why she was created. She was created to be an Ezer- a helper. The only other person given this designation in scripture is God (Ps 30:10; 54:4). Imagine being able to put that on your résumé.

As an Ezer she is also mandated to work alongside of Adam for the physical work of caring for the garden. They are told to be fruitful and multiply as well as subdue and govern it (Gen 1:28). Both intellectual work and physical work have no distinction for God. There is no mention about which type of work is more important or more ‘godly’. All work is necessary and Good.

I love looking at my work this way. Have you ever stopped to think about what is Good about your work? As Entrepreneurs and Business Owners, I know we can get tied up in our everyday routine and sometimes miss the Good in our work. Think about it this way, God planted this idea in your brain about starting your business. His creativity worked through you, as His image bearer, to bring about the work you are doing.

God expected Eve to work to fulfill His creation. He expects you to continue the work to produce and fulfill your unique contribution to His creation. Your work may look different in different seasons of your life but only you can fulfill the plan God has for you.

How can you start to cooperate with God to align your goals with His plan for your work?

  1. Lydia- You have unique influence in the Marketplace

Only you can show up as you in your business. God never asks for you to change your personality, but He does change you. Celebrate that only you can bring into the world the ideas He is giving you. Thank Him that He has entrusted you with this important task.

You are unique and so was Lydia. She was a woman with her own style! Flamboyant, friendly and successful. She knew her customers and their tastes. Lydia was the fashion mogul of her town and I am sure she dressed the part.

Her business was very lucrative in the ancient world. The cloth was worth its weight in silver. Lydia enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle, just like the fabric she sold. Purple, the color of royalty and everyone wanted it. She was in high demand and everyone knew who she was in her Marketplace. She branded herself well and her logo was purple.

I love that we never see her apologize for doing well in business and having wealth. She owns a home, has her own servants and makes all the decisions for her household. She is the whole package. And, she loves God! (Acts 16:15) She is a woman just like you, merging her two worlds by staying culturally relevant as she stays positioned to share her faith.

Your unique combination of natural abilities and spiritual gifts is perfect for where you are in your business and for who you connect with on a regular basis. God has given you both, so they work together in your Marketplace endeavors. Many times, the natural abilities you have become Spirit-infused gifts to show others the glory and goodness of God. That enables you to worship God through your work because it can produce eternal rewards and results. Amazing.

Lydia’s faith was expressed in her individuality and your faith needs to be expressed in your personality and distinctiveness too. That’s what makes it authentic. Open your heart, give your resources, and keep your style. It is your unique influence in the Marketplace that God will use.

What is your style and how does it make you unique in your business dealings?

  1. Priscilla- Build Relationships that matter to you

Building supportive relationships is essential for your business and ministry. You are never alone. God brings others into your life to give you strength and encouragement to do what He has called you to do. Even our great mentor and teacher, Paul, had relationships with other believers that were both business and spiritual. I am talking about Priscilla and her husband, Aquila.

Strong-minded, enthusiastic in her love for God and Jesus, loyal to her husband and a mover and a shaker, this was Priscilla. They were a power couple in business and in the early church. Imagine Paul’s surprise to meet followers of Jesus in Corinth. A commercial city with two waterfronts, known for its rough characters and loose morals.

Priscilla and Aquila work in leather, making tents and other goods. Upon meeting Paul, Priscilla invites him to stay with them because they have the same profession! Working day in and day out together, creates and deepens their friendships.

Working together to bring others to Christ added a level of care and respect for their relationship. These bonds of friendship greatly enriched the ministry. Priscilla and Aquila connected with Paul to become some of his closest friends and leaders in the faith, part of his inner circle.

Your workplace can be like this as well. By working together each day you build relationships with people in your office, in your networking groups, and in other business dealings. This provides an opportunity for you to connect with other believers for mutual support.

Priscilla and Aquila traveled with Paul and became the leaders for the church in several places. She was a mentor and friend to many other leaders as well. They built friendships that were deep, meaningful and lasted a lifetime. Working together for a common goal will do that for a group of people. Priscilla may have met Paul as a follower of Jesus but she became a true disciple and leader through building relationships.

Your business can support your ministry work in the same way as Priscilla’s. You don’t need to be selling Christian merchandise or have a Christian coaching business to show up in the Marketplace as a believer in Jesus. God called you to the business that is perfect for you. He uses your expertise, ideas, and talents in a unique way.

What one thing can you do today that will begin to build a relationship that matters for your business?

These three simple principles are just the beginning of the adventure. God has so much more for you to learn and experience. He wants you to know how He has equipped you to fulfill your calling. There are many ‘Business Babe’ examples and each has an important principle to teach.

How are you showing up in your Business? Do you know He has a perfect plan for you? Are you ready to move forward in your Marketplace calling?


Deneen is an Author, Speaker, Business Growth Strategist & Clarity Coach who wants to ignite your passion for what you do and help you do it better by understanding how God has equipped you to show up in your industry Whole, Holy, and Authentic. She wants to take your guilt away by teaching you to connect Faith & Business and serve God more through your work. Through her book, CLARIFY 12 Principles to Illuminate Your Calling to the Marketplace, online courses, retreats, and coaching she helps you succeed at, and CLARIFY, how to live out God’s calling. Get acquainted with Deneen at AND, take the Biblical Businesswomen Mentor QUIZ at