Christian LivingEsther Florence

To A Little Angel

The exotic calm of a storm-stilled sea,
The bubbling enthusiasm of a honey bee,
Your each naughty prank brightens me,
It is alarming, the innocence I behold in thee.

In you I behold an ocean of love,
You are a special little angel from above,
Though the whole world may prove me wrong,
Your trust your faith would forever be strong.

When life’s burdens hurt me,
Little child, I will turn to thee
Your playful smile, your carefree life,
Makes me feel so void of strife.

Loved ones betray, friends deny,
Life’s going tough I begin to sigh,
And then I look at your charming face,
You fight, forgive, and forget at astonishing pace.

I sometimes laugh at your thought-provoking questions,
Answers of which no encyclopedia mentions,
And when I glance into your little heart,
I know my love for darlings like you will never depart.

Little Angel I finally say to thee,
My greatest dream would always be
That each lovely trait which in you I see,
May slowly begin to be born in me.

(And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3)