To Everything There is a Season
By Brenda Calvert
I painted this in a time where I thought life was holding me back from my career. I was frustrated that I didn’t have more time to paint. I quickly realized, that God has a time and purpose for everything. I don’t know whats going on in your life right now, but maybe you can relate. If we are content where we are at in the moment. We might miss the joy of “now”. For me, I needed to stop worrying about advancing my art career ,because my kids needed my creativity and my time. I am able to use my God given creativity in creating birthday parties, crafts, fun excursions, silly songs and meaningful family times. I still create art and paint commissioned paintings, but it is not at the expense of my family time.This is where I am supposed to be at right now. In a few years, I have no doubt, God will direct my steps for the next phase of my life.

Ecc 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.