Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

September 20, 2020

This I say then, walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Galatians 5:1. (King James Version)

Walking in the spirit comes down to being able to live in this chaotic world as we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us that we would have the Spirit with us as we faced trials and struggles. This is how we find the joy in all things. We know that walking with the Spirit is trusting that God will not allow us to face anything that cannot be overcome. After all, He has already promised us victory!! God knew that we would be facing covid-19 long before we even understood the common cold. That is why He made a way for us to know the Holy Spirit.

Everything we face can and will be overcome as long as we seek the Holy Spirit to help us live in a place of victory and not submit to the defeat that comes with following our own fleshly desires. It is a choice that we make. God is so loving that He never pushes anything on us, but rather, He stands quietly beside us longing to be the leading love of our lives. Though we find our selves in the middle of a world that is in chaos and thrives on deceit and cruelty, we do not have to be caught up in the muck of it. We can choose the pure and holy things of God to keep us in a place of joy. The more we choose to follow the Spirit, the more we put distance between our spirit man and the flesh. This will lead us to a place of trust and peace with God.

LadyBug let us walk in the Spirit and seek the holy and pure things of God. Let our faith be strengthened through trust as we seek to distance our spirit man from the desires of the flesh. Let the Holy Spirit have dominion over our lives as we turn from the muck of the flesh.

In Love,
~ Cyndi Kay