Walking Away From Worldly Comfort- wk 1
Are You Comfortable?
Genesis 1:26-2:1, 3:6-21
When I was little, I loved to sit in one particular chair and read. It was my comfort place, where I went to escape the real world with my books and imagination.
We were created for comfort. Looking at how God made the world and how perfect the garden of Eden was, screams comfort to me. (Genesis 1:26-2:1) He made the heavens, the earth, the plants, light, and animals. It was humanity’s job to care for the creatures He created. The garden had everything we needed to be comfortable; food, beauty, peace, and joy.
There was separation, isolation, and division when sin entered the world. The world was broken, so God told Adam and Eve that there would now be pain, and they would have to work for their food, and it wouldn’t be easy. But it wasn’t just humanity that would feel the weight of discomfort; the animals man was supposed to care for became a sacrifice to protect Adam and Eve from the elements. (Genesis 3:6-21) God’s disappoint had to be palpable.
Recently, during my Bible and prayer time, I clearly heard Holy Spirit say to call my niece and apologize for something that happened twelve or more years ago. This wasn’t something I had been feeling guilt or shame over; in fact, I hadn’t thought about it all. But, at that moment, I was reminded of how badly I acted. It was past time to own up to my behavior that day.
Everything about that call was uncomfortable. Waiting for my niece to answer, choking out words that needed to be said, and waiting for her to blast this on her social media page. I certainly didn’t enjoy those moments. However, she was very forgiving, and the conversation, while completely uncomfortable, ended well. Being uncomfortable restored a relationship.
We were created for comfort, but sin separated us from God, so we won’t find complete comfort on this side of heaven, at least not consistently. This world is not our home. Louie Giglio tells us we are not called to be comfortable; we are called to be faithful and obedient to further God’s kingdom.
Prayer – Holy Father, you spoke the world into perfection. You gave me everything I need, even when I failed you. Thank you for your redemption plan, a plan of mercy and grace. You, Yahweh, are everything I need. Amen
Questions to consider:
Was Jesus comfortable while he walked the earth? (Give examples)
What’s one thing you can do today that might be uncomfortable but will glorify God?
Nita Wilkinson is a writer and speaker that encourages women to pursue joy and freedom with the most important tool in our toolbox of life, the Bible. You can find out more about Nita at her web page www.inthewhisper.org, through her podcast The In the Whisper Podcast and through various social media outlets.
©2023 Nita Wilkinson/Christian Women Living Magazine
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