Walking Away From Worldly Comfort- wk 2
Week 2
All by myself
Philippians 3:3-6
I tend to think I can do everything on my own. Sometimes it works, but mostly it doesn’t. For example, several years ago, when I was a newly single Mom, the toilet handle broke in the guest bathroom. I went to our local hardware store and found a handle that read “Very easy to install,” so I bought it.
When I got home, I realized this was not easy to install, let alone very easy. But I was adamant about doing it myself, so I tried. Finally, after three days, many words, some yelling, and more words, I concluded I wouldn’t be able to do this myself. I wanted to because I didn’t want to depend on anyone, and I arrogantly wanted the world to see I could do it myself.
What should have been simple and cost around $27 ended up costing me nearly $400 and three days of my life. I broke more of the current handle and the new handle so it was unusable, then I knocked some other function out while “fixing” it by myself. When the plumber got there, he said that this would have been much cheaper if I had just called him first.
God wants us to depend on Him. When we move forward in our own confidence, we nullify God’s work in us. It takes audacious faith, but we are at our best when we rely solely on Him.
Paul reminds us if anyone has reason to put confidence in themselves, it’s him. (Philippians 3:3-6) As Saul, he was:
- Circumcised on the 8th day, a pure-blooded jew
- Of the people of Israel, his lineage went back to the Father of Israel, Abraham
- From the tribe of Benjamin, King Saul, for whom he was named, was from Benjamin
- A Hebrew of Hebrews, he didn’t adopt Greek customs
- A Pharisee, a member of the strictest sect, he knew the law
- Zealous, he persecuted for his people and God
- Righteous under the law, blameless
He was the standard that Jewish men strived for. He seemingly had it all and was very comfortable with his life. Paul understood, though, that wasn’t who he was anymore. He changed when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. He no longer put his confidence in his own flesh but rather in his Savior, trading arrogance for humility and peace.
Prayer – I need you Lord. You are everything I need. I try to do it all alone, but I don’t have to, I have you. Thank you for never forsaking me.
Questions to consider:
Think about a time you relied on yourself before seeking God’s help. What was the outcome?
What will you do today to be more intentional about relying on God?
Nita Wilkinson is a writer and speaker that encourages women to pursue joy and freedom with the most important tool in our toolbox of life, the Bible. You can find out more about Nita at her web page www.inthewhisper.org, through her podcast The In the Whisper Podcast and through various social media outlets.
©2023 Nita Wilkinson/Christian Women Living Magazine
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