Joy Teague MatienzoWorship with Me

Whose story is it?

Whose Story Is It?

Recently I found myself very confused about some big decisions that needed to be made. I was concerned that I might choose the wrong thing. What would be best for me? What would be best for my family?

It is said that Gen Z’ers have “Main character syndrome”. This is literally living life like you are the most important person on this planet and everyone else is just functioning around you and deserves to be alerted to every single thing you do, including seeing the tea you drank, the shampoo you used and the mountain you hiked.

How about the rest of us? You don’t have to have been born in a certain generation to have a tendency to see yourself as the main character. You don’t have to be a regular instagram poster to live like the world revolves around you. Even though some suspect that if it’s not posted on Facebook it didn’t actually happen, us oldies know we can live self-centered lives without social media for the evidence!

The problem is, when I am always the main character of my story it has the potential to be low-key worship – of myself.

But what if we are only part of a bigger story? God’s story? And what if part of our worship is to stop focusing on what WE want? What if what is most important is the role God wants us to play in HIS story? If we trust in what we know to be true about God’s character, then we know that He will be faithful to walk with us through our broken times as well as our good times. If we believe that He is sovereign and has a plan then our heart cry should be, God, show us where to place ourselves so we will be best used by you, that your Will will be done and that you will get the glory and fame.

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