Michelle Gott KimWomen Who Inspire

Women Who Inspire: Lisa Godwin

I would love to introduce to you this week’s Woman Who Inspires. Lisa Godwin is a beautiful sister in Christ and also the author of a new read, ‘Dear _____, There’s Hope on the Other Side’. Her story of forgiveness and being an overcomer is an amazing example of what God’s love can do in the life of someone who has deep scars.

Michelle Gott: Will you please introduce yourself to our readers and give us a little background information and personal history?
Lisa Godwin: My name is Lisa Mae Godwin. I was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan and currently live in Richland, Washington. I have two brothers and I am in the middle. I met my husband at Cornerstone University where we dated for 3.5 years and then married after graduation. We have been married for 25 years. We started having children right away and we have 2 boys and a girl. We have been married for 25 years, praise the Lord! My children are all grown and my oldest son is married to a beautiful women inside and out. I love my daughter-in-law! I have a degree in Social Work and currently work at a women and children’s shelter in Pasco, Washington as the Director. I have also worked as an Executive Director and Development Director for other non-profit organizations in town. I have a heart for mentoring the next generation of young women and focus on my own daughter in that respect. I have served on a number of boards and currently serve on two in particular. Both organizations serve women who are vulnerable. I have received the honors of both being a part of Leadership Tri-Cities Class 20 as well as WSU Tri-Cities Women of Distinction. I really enjoy reading, watching Hallmark Christmas Movies (being an extra on a movie is on my bucket list:) ), kayaking with my husband, and camping with our family.

MG: Can you give us a summary on your journey with Christ — from the time you accepted Christ, to how you started in ministry.
LG: I came to know the Lord as my Savior at a very young age. I was five years old and attended Daily Vacation Bible School at a church in town. One day, after I came home, I asked my mom to pray with me. We knelt beside my bed and I prayed. I grew up in a home where my parents sent us to church and christian school. Thankfully, I was listening to God’s word on a daily basis and memorizing scripture. My dad was a Music Pastor at the church we attended and we were actively involved. However, at the same time all of this was going on He was soliciting my mom for sex at night. As you can imagine, this was difficult for a child/teenager to grasp. However, God’s hand was all over my life. No matter how bad things became at home, He was always faithful to not allow me to get involved with the wrong people or get into things that would have life-long consequences. He was so good. I was never allowed to ask my parents any questions or talk about what was going on with anyone. We became ostracized by the church as well as by family. It was extremely lonely, but I always felt the presence of God with me every step of the way. After getting married and starting a family, my husband and I started a business and due to a house that we were building literally falling to the ground, our company was destroyed. This set me into a spiral and up until this point I was all about looking perfect and hiding pain. God was teaching me He wanted all of me and I needed Him to be my life. I went through a discipleship program and spent a year working through the pain of everything. It was incredible how “Jehovah Rapha”, the God who heals healed me through prayer and His word. It was a treasure beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I now live in the light of His truth, forgiveness, and Word. Jesus is my life.

MG: When did you first become interested in writing?
LG: I first new I was going to write a book 15 years ago as I was going through the pain of losing everything earthly and healing from past trauma. I knew I was called to help other’s see the healing power of Jesus through my story. God showed up in a miraculous way and I wanted to share how he could do that for other women that are hurting and have trauma or past experiences standing in the way.

MG: What would you tell someone who would like to work as a professional author?
LG: I would tell someone to be patient. It does not happen overnight. Let God lead you in the process and determine your steps. When He is a part of it, it will be in His timing, done the way He wants, for His glory. “Without Him we can do nothing”, John 15:5. Also, don’t give up!!

MG: Was the process of becoming a published author what you expected?
LG: The process was awesome. I worked with such a great publisher. They walked me through everything, step by step with helped immensely. They were patient and did a fantastic job. It was really fun to accomplish the book with the Publisher I worked with, Christian Faith Publishing.

MG: Overall, due to the delicacy of your book, “Dear ______, There’s Hope on the Other Side”, how do you feel it has been received by family? Friends? Church acquaintances?
LG: I have mixed responses from family, friends, and others. Those who I thought would support me in this are struggling, and others are so supportive. Many have said it has changed their lives.

MG: Has it been difficult for you this process of forgiveness you eluded to in “Dear ______, There’s Hope on the Other Side”, and what could you share with others that might encourage and help them walk along that same path?
LG: The Forgiveness piece was extremely difficult because I let pride get in the way of actually forgiving. When I see other’s sin as no different than my sin, it changes everything. I want to be forgiven, so I need to forgive. Being able to live this out and truly walk through the humility of forgiveness was life changing for me. Forgiveness doesn’t always mean reconciliation. Forgiveness is done for my relationship with God. I don’t want anything in the way of being able to have fellowship with Him, including unforgiveness. When I don’t forgive, I am believing the lie the enemy wants me to that I will be better off now than if I would forgive. Not listening to this lie and letting go of my right to hold a grudge changed my life by giving me peace and joy beyond what I could have ever imagined. God is so good and knows exactly what we need and what works in our lives, and let me tell you first hand forgiveness works!

MG: Can you recall a time when you know that God was the only way you had a provision through a certain situation?
LG: When my husband and I were losing our business, our home, our cars, our reputation, etc. I knew I needed Jesus. I was carrying the burden of shame from my childhood as well as what was currently happening and it was too much for me to bear. I wanted to know what God had to say about what I was going through. I had a social work degree so I had the psychology. I didn’t want to go to my pastor because I knew he would pass me off to someone else in the church, so I went straight to God through discipleship. It was all about healing through scripture and prayer. How refreshing. God did have something to say about what I was going through and He has something to say about what all of us are going through. I was either going to end my life or turn to Him. He is my Savior!

MG: What do you see as some of the biggest challenges facing Christian women authors today? Women in ministry?
LG: Women in ministry face challenges everyday. The need is great for servants of God who want to help, but they may not be fully equipped. The problems that exist in women’s ministry are messy and sometimes take time. Creating the time in our busy schedules to be present with women who are hurting is important, but sometimes not possible. Getting training in areas of ministry like working with those with trauma is important.

MG: Do you have a topic for the next book?
LG: God has not laid a topic on my heart yet, but I am thinking about the idea of the fact that I am a coward without His strength. Maybe how to minister in the world fully dependent on Him. Just a thought.

MG: Would you describe your writing process?
LG: I like to journal my thoughts and experiences and then share this with others who know me to get their feedback. Otherwise, I spend lots of time in prayer and reading. God is so gracious to reveal what He wants me to do through journaling and other people.

MG: What inspires you?
LG: Other women inspire me! Women who are survivors, women who are hurting, women that love Jesus with all of their heart. My family also inspires me. My husband and children for sure!

On behalf of Christian Women Living Magazine, thank you, Lisa, for your transparency and for allowing us to be a part of your process of moving forward and the success of your book, ‘Dear _______’. Lisa’s book can be purchased through Amazon or Barnes & Noble or readers can get in touch with Lisa by:
Youtube Channel – Dear Blank
Facebook page – Dear Blank
Working on my website even as we speak.