Women Who Inspire – Wendy Leppert
“Women Who Inspire” Interview with Wendy Leppert
Interviewed by Joy Mathis Chadwick
It was my privilege to correspond with Wendy Leppert, author and speaker, as she and I worked together to bring the readers of Christian Women Living Magazine her story of determination, faith, and encouragement. Her love of God and family comes across loud and strong, and she has a passion for passing that love on to her audiences through her various venues. Wendy is a ray of sunshine and a true inspiration to many!
Joy Mathis Chadwick: Please introduce yourself to the readers of Christian Women Living Magazine.
Wendy Leppert: I have been married for 25 years to my husband, Chad. We have four kids – our son Cale is 22 and is engaged to Lakyn and they are getting married next August; my daughters are Caylen, 20; Cali, 14; and Caydi is 10. I am a #1 best-selling author on Amazon and have always loved to write. I have currently started my blog on www.grit2gr8ce.com and also my podcast is called Grit2Gr8ce and can be heard on all podcast platforms. I also love to speak and headed up a women’s conference where we spoke in three different locations in 2018. My hobby when I’m not doing any of these passions is to crochet. My grandmother taught me when I was 9 and I love to make things for family and friends. I also like to design mugs, signs, etc.
JMC: Tell us about your relationship with the Lord.
WL: I became saved in February, 1991 when I was 17 years old and was baptized a month later. I would say, over the years, I have always had a close relationship with God but recently have felt closer to Him than ever before. I had an issue happen earlier this year that shook me to my core and made me realize that without God, I am nothing, and as Christians we cannot just simply go through the motions of being one of God’s children; we have to actually LIVE it and BREATHE it!

JMC: What prompted you to begin your blogging, podcasting and speaking ministries? Do you feel that it was a calling on your life? Do you have a mission statement?
WL: I do believe that it is my calling on life. I believe that as Christians, we all have the same purpose – to love God and to love others. It’s HOW we choose to fulfill that purpose that becomes our calling. My mission statement is to help women feel encouraged and worthy in their walk with God.
JMC: Out of all your ministries, do you have a favorite? If so, why?
WL: I love them all, but would have to say it is speaking. I love writing and podcasting but I can’t see the reactions on people’s faces when they read or hear the words that God gives me. When I’m speaking and I see the smiles and sometimes even tears, that touches me in a way that confirms that God is working on them through me and giving me the words that they need to hear.
JMC: What is the primary message that you want your readers and listeners to take away from your ministry endeavors?
WL: That they are worthy, loved and enough. The world will try to tell you differently but with God we can be anything we desire and if He leads us there – He will equip us as well.

JMC: Next to our relationship with God, our family is right there at the top. Tell us about how your family supports your calling to serve others.
WL: My family has always supported me, especially my husband. He always encourages me to do what my heart feels God is telling me to do. My parents have been a big support as well. I had my mom tag along with me on all three of the endeavors our speaking team took in 2018 and we had so much fun!
JMC: Do you sometimes struggle with balancing God/family/jobs/ministry?
WL: Yes, sometimes I am guilty of getting so caught up in life that I don’t take the needed quiet time with God to make sure I’m walking in His will.
JMC: Do you have a place (real or otherwise) that you go to just go get things back on track with God?
WL: Yes! I love to be in my bedroom, alone with my thoughts and just being STILL to talk to God; whether it be in my chair or on my knees (which has happened when things seem so tough that I can’t do anything else)
JMC: You are obviously a woman who inspires many. Who stands out in your life as someone who has inspired YOU and made the greatest impact on YOUR life?
WL: It sounds strange to think that I would be someone who inspires anyone – if I do, it is absolutely all God and the words He gives me! Honestly, I would have to say that my parents are the biggest inspiration to me. They were married when they were 15 & 16 and after 47 years, they are still together! I have seen first-hand the difference it makes in a marriage when God is present and two people love each other so much to never give up and always put Him first!

JMC: Whose life do you want most to inspire?
WL: Women who feel as if they’re unloved, unseen and unappreciated.
JMC: Do you feel that it’s important for family, friends, and the even checker at the grocery store to get to know the real you, even when things may not seem to be going so well?
WL: Yes, I absolutely do! I am, by no means, perfect and have made mistakes, so I want them to see that I am human and no matter what happens, God loves us unconditionally. He can touch us and bring us closer to Him and cause us to love and appreciate the people who mean the most in our lives.
JMC: Your various ministries speak loudly about your message of hope and encouragement. Has there been a time in your life that you were “that person” who felt hopeless? If so, who stepped in to encourage you, and how was that accomplished?
WL: Yes, I have been in a situation where I felt more hopeless than I ever have before and so alone. It was then that I realized that Jesus is the ONLY One who never leaves us and we are NEVER alone. I was encouraged by my family and shown that true love and forgiveness do exist and how important support from our loved ones truly is.
JMC: In your podcasts, blogging, and speaking engagements, obviously you are reaching a tremendous number of people who need the Lord. How do you respond if your message is not well-received by the very ones who need it the most?
WL: If I feel that it’s not well-received, I remember what God says that His Word will never return void. The seed has been planted and it’s up to God to take care of the rest with that individual(s). Also, I feel that the devil can be the biggest cause of resistance with those who need to hear it. That’s the last thing he wants is for them to have the opportunity to hear God’s word and to know that God loves them unconditionally.
JMC: What has brought you the greatest satisfaction about what you do?
WL: When someone tells me that I was able to encourage them by what I shared and that it’s exactly what they needed to hear. That’s how I know that it definitely came from God and He just used me as the vessel to share it!
JMC: Wendy, it was such a pleasure getting to know you. I, along with our readers, will want to get further acquainted with you through your blog and podcasts. Please tell us how we can access your ministries.
WL: Sure! My website, that is still new and in the beginning stages, is www.grit2gr8ce.com. My podcast “Grit2Gr8ce” can be found on all podcast platforms. You can also find me on Facebook & Instagram under my name and under the name “Grit2Gr8ce”.
We welcome Wendy to the family of Christian authors at Christian Women Living Magazine. Look for her articles of inspiration and encouragement here each month.