Gabriell Larson

You have a Purpose Regardless of Your Past

Acts takes place directly after the Gospels. Think of it as a sequel of the Gospels. Luke is the author of Acts. In the Gospel Luke – Luke tells the story of Jesus’s life on earth. Luke continues in Acts to explain what happens on earth once Jesus has resurrected and risen. He talks about how the Disciples continue as followers of Jesus and establish the churches. In Chapter 9 we get to meet Saul who later we find out his name gets changed to Paul and Paul, as you know, wrote most of the New Testament. Something that I think is truly inspiring in itself because when you hear the life of Saul and his past and how Jesus used him to make an impact. Saul teaches me that your past does not define you and no matter the path you have traveled thus far, God and Jesus will still welcome you and use you to your potential.

To set the scene before chapter 9, they had just stoned a disciple of Jesus named Steven. Steven had been preaching about the Gospels of our savior Jesus Christ. Saul was passionate about killing followers of Jesus. Saul seemed to believe in God however he did not believe in Jesus as his son, our savior nor Jesus as Messiah. Saul believed that he was doing a good service to God by killing those who followed Jesus, not understanding or believing the connection within the two.

I love chapter 9 because this is Saul’s breakthrough. Follow along Acts 9:1-18.

In verse 1, Saul is continuing his evil ways condemning those who follow Jesus. As Saul was on the road to Damascus (3) a light from heaven suddenly flashed and as Saul fell to the ground a voice said, “Saul, why are you persecuting me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul responded. “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting. But go into the city and you will be told what you must do” The men around Saul stood speechless after hearing these words but not seeing anyone speaking. Saul struggled to get up, as he opened his eyes, he could see nothing. His eyesight was gone. The men he was with took him by hand and led him into the city of Damascus. Saul was unable to see, eat or drink for three days. (10) In Damascus a disciple named Ananias spoke with Jesus in a vision. In the vision Jesus asked him to go to the house of Judas and ask for a man named Saul. Once Saul is found, Jesus instructs Ananias to place his hands over his eyes and heal his site so that he can see again. Ananias was hesitant, and asked “Jesus, why must I heal a man with the reputation to torchure those who follow you.” (15) But Jesus said, “Go for this man is my chosen instrument to take my name to the Gentiles, kings and Israelites. I will take care of how much he needs to suffer for what he has done.” (17) Ananias entered the house and placed his hands over Saul’s eyes and said “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road has sent me to heal your site and to fill you with the Holy Spirit.” All at once, Saul regained his site and went on to be baptized. Saul returned home and began to preach about Jesus the son of God. Chapter 9 continues with Saul’s uphill battle as his new passion is to praise Jesus rather than killing those who praise Jesus.

Like Jesus used Saul as an instrument. Jesus has a plan for you. An overwhelming purpose for you and your life. Whether you have been called to your purpose yet or not, Jesus has a plan. Regardless of your past and your sins that have consumed your life Jesus still loves you. Jesus still wants you and Jesus has a purpose for you. Pray to Jesus, ask him to use you like an instrument as he used Saul. Ask him for guidance to your path of purpose, you might already be well on your way – you just may need hands over your eyes to help you see again.